Council is upgrading Richardson Park in Goodna, and is looking for your input to help shape the project.

About the project

The playground, amenities block and exercise equipment will be upgraded as part of the project. Equipment for users of all ages and abilities will be incorporated into the upgrade.

The park upgrade will align with the Brisbane Terrace road widening project. This project includes formal parking and Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant parking near the park which will assist park users when they visit.

Have your say

The detailed concept design was developed using the feedback we received from community in February 2022. You could then have your say on anything in the detailed concept design that you would like to change.

Thank you for helping us shape the design for the Richardson Park in Goodna upgrade. Construction is now complete, and photos of the final design can be seen below.

Completed Park Upgrades

Detailed Concept Design

Let us know if there is anything in the detailed concept design that you would like to change why?

25 May, 2022

Boatie says:

There is nothing here about improving the apalling condition of the adjacent boat ramp, easily the worst anywhere on the Brisbane River.

24 May, 2022

Sherilee says:

Soft fall as opposed to bark. Cater for kids whom eat the bark, won't have nasties hiding in bark. Water play area. Fenced. Seating.

24 May, 2022

Sherilee says:

Variety of interactive equipment for toddlers. More than 2 x toddler swings. Slides that don't get hot or not placed in the sun. Shade.

23 May, 2022

Hannah says:

Shade cloth OVER the play equipment. Would be great to plant trees that will canopy over Playground but is shade cloth until trees grown.

23 May, 2022

Justin says:

Dry creek beds are pointless once plants mature. Water play areas are so expensive to maintain and let’s face if council won’t maintain it

23 May, 2022

Parent says:

Big slides and interactive playground shade cloth actually OVER The play ground

23 May, 2022

Parent says:

No wood chips or sand. Please do the soft fall ground

23 May, 2022

Sunny says:

Please on behalf of ALL parents NO wood chips! They are a nightmare for parents and children. Thank you!

21 May, 2022


Whatever's done has to be VERY solid & able to withstand the onslaught it'll get from those who always try to destroy whatever's around.

20 May, 2022

Isaaks-hope says:

Big slides and climbing structures that the kids can actually climb.

20 May, 2022

Nikkyb says:

Please make sure your climbing structures are not just for the younger children/toddlers. My older kids 10 plus love coming to the park.

20 May, 2022

Rhonwyn says:

Prob too late but Boat structures tend to be boring tho I get the river cliche. Kids prefer towers + big slides. Castle+Moat? Mars+Shuttle?