Contribute your ideas, submit feedback or share your views on the following projects.
Springview Estate
Ripley Road & Fischer Road Upgrade
Creative Industries
Character Place Nomination
Community Panel
Ipswich Central
Latest updates
Keep in touch. The consultation period may have closed, but there is more information to come on these projects.
Public Art Commissions
Council seeks expressions of interest for public art commissions in four unique locations across the city.
Creators of Ipswich - Play a Role
An invitation for passionate individuals to help enrich the city’s arts and culture by joining a diverse team supporting the local creative community.
E-Scooters in Ipswich
Consultation closed. We are now reviewing your feedback.
What's the GO with Organics?
Consultation closed. Community Engagement Report and summary now available.
Tourism in Ipswich
Consultation closed. Summary of the community engagement is now available.
Ipswich General Cemetery Heritage Project
Consultation closed. Summary of the community engagement is now available.
iGO Ipswich Transport Strategy Review
Consultation closed. We are now reviewing your feedback.
2025 Creators' Summit – Ipswich
The Creators' Summit Ipswich is returning in 2025! Click here to learn more.
Nature based solutions to flooding
Natural ways to support waterway health and mitigate flood risks.
River Heart Parklands
Consultation closed. Community Engagement Report and summary now available.
Heart Check: the facts about the Nicholas Street Precinct development
The history and the facts about this major development.
Stone Quarry Cemetery
Consultation closed. Community Engagement Report and summary now available.
Southern Resource Recovery Centre & Animal Management Facility Design
Consultation closed. A summary of the community engagement is now available.
Welcome to Ipswich Central: Business Incentive Program
Consultation closed. We are now reviewing your feedback.
Voluntary Home Buy-Back program
Consultation closed. We are now reviewing your feedback.
Ti Tree Bioenergy Funding Submissions
Contributing to local environmental improvements
Consultation closed. We are now reviewing your feedback.
Walkability along East Street
Consultation closed. Community Engagement Report and summary now available.
Local Laws and the new Ipswich Planning Scheme
Alignment of council’s Local Laws with the new Ipswich planning scheme.
Waste Odours in Ipswich
Learn more about the nuisance waste odours that have been impacting Ipswich residents for many years.
Local Government Infrastructure Plan
Making sure Ipswich has the right infrastructure for a growing city.
New Ipswich Planning Scheme
In response to the continuing unprecedented growth in South East Queensland
Indigenous Soldiers Ceremonial, Remembrance and Healing Project
Recognising the Indigenous peoples of Ipswich who have lost their lives in various conflicts throughout history
Western Resource Recovery Centre Site Location
Make a submission to provide input into the criteria used to identify and rank potential site locations and suggest specific locations.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Guide
Improving our engagement with our Traditional Owners and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.
Cooneana Heritage Centre Master Plan
How do you see the future of the Cooneana Heritage Centre? What would you like the site to be?
Cycling through Ipswich Central
Building a cycle network through Ipswich Central
Strengthening Ipswich Communities Plan
Partner with us in shaping our 20 year plan for community facilities and services.
Limestone Park - What is happening?
Delivering new and improved upgrades to Limestone Park.
2022 Ipswich Floods Review
Thank you for sharing your experience to help support our community be prepared and resilient for future flood events. This survey is now closed
Registration of Interest for Community Use of Land in Springfield
Complete this Registration of Interest to share how your community organisation could use these areas to benefit the community.
Past projects
Take a look at reports and/or outcomes on projects that are now finalised.
Off-street regulated parking area Parkland Drive Springfield Central
A proposal to amend Subordinate Local Law 5.1 (Parking) to include the off-street carparks located at 134 Parkland Drive, Springfield Central.
QLD Connects
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this project. All future updates will be updated via the Connectivity Compass website. Click here for more information.
Libraries Annual Survey
Helping to improve the Ipswich Libraries services to the Ipswich Community.
Bell Street Overpass Removal Project
On behalf of the State Government, Ipswich City Council removed the Bell Street Overpass between March and June 2024. This project has been completed.
Critical and Enabling Infrastructure
See how we are improving the major roads of Ipswich.
Draft Ipswich Biosecurity Plan
Managing invasive plants and animals, and their impacts.
Ipswich Libraries Survey 2023
Improving library services for our community
Flying Foxes in the City of Ipswich
The Flying-fox Roost Management Plan was adopted by council on 12 December 2024. Click here to see the final plan.
Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve Flood Recovery
Thank you for your feedback. Restoration works for the much-loved Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve after the 2022 floods has completed.
Ipswich City Council Inclusion and Connectedness Plan
Share your experience to help shape the Ipswich City Council disability service plan known as the Inclusion and Connectedness Plan.
Electoral Arrangement Review
Mid-term review of Council’s current multi-member arrangements. Written submissions now open.
Nimmo Street Booval Proposed Lease
Council is proposing to lease part of 31-33 Nimmo Street, Booval and we want to hear from surrounding residents.
Draft iGO Parking Strategy and Action Plan
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. See the final project outcomes.
Ipswich Libraries Survey 2022
Ipswich Libraries wants to hear from you to help identify where we can improve our services to the Ipswich community.
Working towards a healthy natural environment
Help us develop the Natural Environment Strategy to guide us in protecting, enhancing and restoring Ipswich's natural environment.
Rename Paul Pisasale Bridge and Drive
Rank top community suggestions now closed
Richardson Park Playground Upgrade
New features planned for Richardson Park
Potential Sale of Swifts Sports Club
Find out about the potential sale. Stay in the loop for upcoming community consultation.
Motoland Chuwar
Answers to your frequently asked questions
Cameron Park Upgrade
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on Cameron Park. See the final project outcomes.
Memorabilia Project
Sharing memorabilia with the community.
iFuture Check-In: Community Survey
Tell us your thoughts about life in Ipswich, and how council is performing.
Urban Heat
Mapping urban heat islands in our community
Aquatic Facilities Action Plan
Have your say in the future of swim centres and water playgrounds in Ipswich.
Recreational Walking & Cycling
Providing great recreational walking and cycling facilities for Ipswich.
Waste & Circular Economy
Transformation Policy Directive
Ipswich Hail Events October 2020
Community recovery information
Reducing our waste
The average Ipswich household creates 1 tonne of landfill per year. Lets reduce that by 2025
Nicholas Street Precinct - Bringing you back
See what you said you would like to see in your new Nicholas Street Precinct in 2021
Sutton Park Skate Facility Upgrade
Visit the newly designed skate park.
Ipswich Children's Voices
A panel discussion led by children questioning community leaders and service providers about building a stronger community for children and young people.
Flick the 'swich 2020
The big topics for Ipswich young people, set by Ipswich young people.
Name your places & spaces
See the names of places and spaces in your city centre chosen from the ideas you shared
Natural Environment Policy
Thank you for being involved in setting our city's overarching direction for the environment
Remondis Waste to Energy Facility Proposal
Frequently Asked Questions
Transparency and Integrity Hub
Explore our datasets and learn more
Redbank Plains Community Centre
See the overview of what you told us over 36 months
Ipswich and the Arts
The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) priorities were set in 2019. We're checking they still reflect the needs of our community in light of COVID-19.
Strengthening Community
See what you said to help build and strengthen our community
Skate & Active Recreation
Final plans for the Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve are now released!
Local Business and Investment
View the May 2021 events for Ipswich Small Business Month
Queens Park Centre Upgrade
We need your inspiration and ideas for a new-look Queens Park Environmental Education Centre.
Facade Improvement Program
Applications have now closed for the 2021 Facade Improvement Program
Active Ipswich Strategy 2021 - 2031
Shaping the direction of sport, recreation and physical activity in Ipswich
Local Laws Under Review
New local laws were introduced in 2013 and council reviewed those laws to ensure they remain relevant and contemporary.
City of Ipswich Parking Pricing Strategy
Council held a six month trial of 15 minute free parking and free Saturday parking in the Ipswich CBD commencing October 2020
Sustainable Ipswich
Your thoughts, ideas and feedback from 2019/2020 informed the framework for this Sustainability Strategy
Richardson Park
Draft Land Management Plan - an opportunity to plan the use and development of the park
Managing Future Floods
Creating a city that is informed, ready and resilient
Library Strategy Review
Moving to integrate libraries and council customer services - a customer-focused approach to service delivery.
Community Pulse Check
See what you said about Ipswich City Council
Divisional Boundary Review
See how you helped shape your future council
Small Creek Transformation
Community-led design is shaping stages 3 and 4 of this creek naturalisation project
Children, Youth & Families
Read the new policy and see how children contributed to it.