Preliminary concept design

A big shout out to the 13 participants who attended the recent information session about the preliminary concept designs for the Ipswich General Cemetery Heritage Project, following a call-out to descendants.

The project team also acknowledges the five descendants who were unable to attend the session but still contributed valuable insights through other channels.

As promised, the two concept designs are provided below. On the day, participants indicated their unanimous preference for Option 1 - A Memorial Garden.

You shared the following "likes" about the Memorial Garden concept:

  • retains the grouping of memorials and gravestones in denomination areas
  • allows for the marker locations and interpretive signage to commemorate denominations
  • shaded pathway around the perimeter would encourage visitors to stroll and view the memorials
  • option 2 - A Heritage Memorial was considered too similar to the existing temporary arrangement for the memorials

During the initial consultation period, 3 items were identified for Council's further consideration:

  1. Concept design of the Aboriginal memorial burial precinct by First Nations People
  2. Location and identification of the Jewish graves
  3. Text for the interpretive signage and links to broader history of the site

In September 2022, Council presented the two preliminary designs to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Two workshops were held, and participants also indicated their unanimous preference for Option 1 – A Memorial Garden.

In July 2022, Council reached out to the Brisbane Chevra Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society) to gain an understanding of the Jewish Community that are buried in the Jewish precinct. The feedback that has been received will form part of the information sharing at the Jewish precinct of the cemetery.

Council has included in interpretive signage as part of the final concept design.

Based on your feedback Council has now finalised Option 1 - A Memorial Garden concept design.

Detailed concept designs can be viewed in the document library.

We're keen to continue the discussion

What you like

Any changes?

Next steps

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Council will continue to progress the Memorial Garden concept design. When complete, Council will share the refined concept design for broader community consultation.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    The comments above around safety, lighting and parking have been shared with relevant council teams for their consideration and possible inclusion of future capital works projects.